Those Who Lie by Diane Jeffrey
4/5 Stars *Spoilers* Emily Kleine doesn't know she killed her husband until the day of his funeral. bit his death is just the beginning as things start to happen around her that makes her suspect that maybe her husband didn't die in the tragic accident after all. This isn't a book I would have normally picked up but thanks to A Box of Stories I was able to read this book. While the writing wasn't my favourite the plot and the characters definitely made up for it. The main character Emily is an unreliable narrator and I didn't know if I should trust her throughout the book, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her and root for her to win. There is a secondary timeline in this from the past which depicts Emily when she was younger and experiencing abuse from her father and the aftermath of when she kills her father as a result. This timeline was very difficult to read and I didn't really fully understand why it was necessary until the end...