How to Book A Murder by Cynthia Kuhn
I received an E Arc from net galley in exchange for an honest review
5/5 Stars
Emma Starrs family bookshop is close to closing and desperate to save it Emma agrees to plan a mystery-themed party for her arch-nemesis Tabitha from school. However, what starts out as a delightful alcohol-filled party soon turns into a party planned worst nightmare when Tabitha's husband ends up dead. Emma along with her Author aunt is suddenly suspected with Tabitha telling everyone she can that they are to blame for her husband's untimely death. Can Emma and her aunt find out the truth before they are behind bars?
This book is the perfect autumn read. It has everything to get me in the spirit, Halloween, murders and a bookstore. Emma was a delightful protaganist and while at times i felt like giving her a shake I was rooting for her the entire time. Although Tabitha did come across as a cartoon villain at times she was a fun read as the antagonist and I was convinced that she was the killer and was trying to frame Emma and her Aunt so that no one finds out, I was slightly disapointed that i was wrong as I love it when mean spirited charactes get what is coming to them. The reveal at the end that the killer was actually one of Tabithas beast freinds did come out of nowhere and i might of liked it more if she had actually killed Tabitha.
Overall it is a really good autumn read.
It is to be released on 7/12/2021.
I might read it