Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
5/5 Stars
*Slight spoilers*
Ash Persaud is the last person to die on new years eve, so now she is about to become a reaper in the afterlife but all she wants to do is to see her first love Poppy Morgan again. But only one thing is standing in between them, death.
This book was amazing! I loved every second of it and was flying through it. The romance between Ash and Poppy was so sweet and amazing, but so sad at the same time although I am glad that there might be a chance for them to be reunited at the end. The side characters were so fun and well fleshed out and while they didn't really have a storyline of their own and were mostly there to support the main character I didn't mind it at all where I normally would because the writing was just so good. I do wish we got more scenes of Ash's family and friends especially after her death as I loved their scenes at the beginning.
Overall this book is a must-read for everyone.
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