Her Last Lie by Amanda Brittany

 3.5 Stars


Six years ago Isla was the last victim to walk free from Carl Jeffrey's vicious murder spree. Now Isla is determined to finish her book and is travelling to Canada where she meets a man she never thought she would. Now Isla is being stalked and she believes that Carl Jeffrey is back

At the start I did not like Isla at all she was often selfish and was often a terrible girlfriend and sister. There was a point where she basically told her sister she isn't allowed to be upset by issues in her own life as she is going through some horrible things at the moment which I thought was honestly kind of disgusting. There is also a part of the story that is a diary/ blog post where Isla posts about how she is having an affair and this really made me dislike her even more as she was already very dismissive of Jack her boyfriend.

However, the ending saved it for me because I wasn't expecting the ending at all or why she was doing it. I'm glad that it wasn't the usual boyfriend was doing it as I'm honestly kind of bored of that now. Also, we find out that the blog posts were never real and Isla wasn't having an affair which I was happy about as I hate the cheating trope. There was a line at the end where it was implied that Jack had killed the woman stalking and that almost killed Isla and I think it would have been better if it was more fleshed out.

Overall I think this was a good thriller but because of the first half, I wasn't truly invested until the last half.


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