Buy Better Consume Less by Sian Conway-Wood
5/5 Stars
Thank you to NetGalley for the EArc in exchange for an honest review.
This is a book that talks about greenwashing, the climate crisis and what we the consumers and the governments and corporations can do about it.
One of my New Years Resolutions and I've seen some other people's New Years' resolutions this year is to become more environmentally friendly. I think that this book is a brilliant beginner's guide into how to be more environmentally aware when buying products and when living our lives without placing the blame of the environmental crisis solely on the consumer's shoulders which I've noticed a lot of people tend to do. This book explains how corporations and governments are responsible for the majority of global emissions but how they tend to push the blame onto the consumer instead of taking responsibility which I appreciated.
It also talks about what people who don't have a lot of time on their hands to research products before buying them can do and it also talks about how people who can't afford to spend more money on environmentally friendly products or want to stop spending money on surplus products. Which I loved as some books like these can tend to forget that not everyone can afford or has the time to be an activist.
It will be released on the 17th February
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