Artemis Made me Do It by Trista Mateer
Thank you to NetGalley for the Earc in exchange for an honest review
5/5 Stars
Using the framework of tarot and conversation, Mateer approaches myth through a witchcraft-inspired lens and uses it to explore timeless issues like burnout, survival, trauma, and the restorative power in taking control of your own lore.
Artemis speaks to what is wild and untamed in all of us, and in this new collection, she asks for a moment of calm.
This book was fantastic, heartbreaking, and emotional. I couldn't put it down and finished it in just over an hour and I was sad when it ended as I wanted to read more so I now have to pick up the other book by Trista Mateer and other feminist poetry books that have similar vibes.
The illustrations were my favourite part and helped bring the book together and I want to pick the book up again to stare at them.
I think that everyone needs to read this even if poetry isn't your thing because it isn't really my thing and I loved this so much.
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