This Little Family by Ines Bayard

 4/5 Stars

Marie and Laurent, a young, affluent couple, have settled into their large Paris apartment and decide to start trying for a baby. This picture-perfect existence is shattered when Marie is assaulted by her new boss. Deeply shaken by the attack, she discovers she is pregnant and is convinced her rapist is the father. Marie closes herself off in a destructive silence, ultimately leading her to commit an irreparable act.

I honestly don't know how to review this book, I both loved and hated this book and I don't think this is a book that I could recommend to anyone. It was incredibly well written and I felt horrible for Marie throughout the book even when she started to do things that I couldn't get behind. She was a frustrating main character that I wanted to yell at multiple times during the book as she desperately needed to talk to someone but she kept refusing to talk to anyone.

As I said before this isn't a book I can recommend to people however if you do want to read this book, please look into the trigger warnings first. 


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